Speed tips

Your internet is slow, tips that can help you ...

Computer speed: Sometimes the problem may be on your machine, interfering with navigation. Contact a technician, who will check for a possible upgrade, replacement of the machine or a maintenance that can solve the slowness. 

Viruses and Malwares: These digital pests give users headaches and may steal their information such as personal information and information. In addition, you can leave your connection and machine slow. Install a good antivirus and keep it up to date.

Defragment your HD: The more fragmented, the slower it gets, your programs will take longer to respond, giving the impression of bad connection. Defragment your computer frequently and enjoy more of your band.

Make sure there are no opportunists: With the evolution of cell phones and the Internet, do not pass WI-FI passwords or overload your network by slowing it down by high bandwidth consumption. Change your WI-FI password constantly and do not share it.

Sip appsMake sure there are no apps like torrent, download programs, streaming videos or even Netflix, they are not running constantly and can compromise your network bandwidth. The use shared by several people, may occur from similar programs are consuming your band.
